If you had a conversation with grace, what would be said to you? God’s good news, His message of redemption, His hope for all people is His grace. This is what I believe grace says to each and every person, including you.
Grace says:
1) You’re not good enough, but Jesus was perfect.
While we often think of good people going to heaven, reality is that none of us are good enough to be worthy of being in God’s presence. That’s where grace comes in. Jesus was perfect and his perfection makes it possible for anyone to come into a relationship with their heavenly Father.
2) Your past is paid for.
The things you fell short in yesterday are wiped clean, they are paid for by the blood of Jesus. The penalty of your past is paid for by Jesus. That’s good news!
3) You are never too far gone.
No matter how far you run from God, He will always be right there when you decide to turn to Him in faith. Thank God for that!
4) You can be sure of your salvation.
Since our standing before God is not dependent on our own goodness, we can be confident that our salvation is secure by faith because Jesus was the perfect sacrifice.
5) Sin does not have dominion over you.
God’s grace breaks your chains. Before Christ, you were in sin, but grace breaks your chains and sets you free from sin.
6) You are loved no matter what.
While you may have times where people let you down, you can rest assured that God loves you and will always be there for you. When you want to give up on yourself, God won’t.
7) You are a new creation.
God doesn’t just save you, He makes you anew. He makes you into who you are supposed to be.
8) When you lose your life, you’ll find it.
Jesus promised that whoever loses his life for His sake would find their life. He also said that if you try to save your life, you’ll lose it. What does that mean? Well, in a simplified way, it means that you MUST depend on Him and Him alone for life, for salvation, for everything. Lose your life in Him and you’ll surely find it.
9) Go and sin no more.
The woman caught in adultery encountered Jesus and His grace. At the end of their interaction, Jesus tells her that he does not condemn her and he commands her to “go and sin no more.”
10) You have the Spirit of God living inside of you.
How amazing and mind boggling is that?!?! The Holy Spirit, the comforter, the helper, is living inside of you because of God’s grace. Submit to the Spirit every day and you’ll see what it means to live in grace.
11) Your identity is not wrapped up in your performance.
Since Jesus has come, we get to enjoy the fact that we can rest in His grace. Too many times, people put their failures on themselves as if they are a part of their very selves. You are loved, redeemed, and adored by your heavenly Father.
12) Come to me.
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). We are always invited to go to God with whatever we are dealing with. Don’t forget that.
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Did you catch this week’s earlier posts on grace?