Most of us have scars. Some are on our bodies and some are on our minds and hearts. Some scars people can see and yet, many are hidden from the sight of others.
The thing I absolutely love about the new album by my good friend, T.A.G. is that he, yet again, talks about real stuff and paints a narrative of hope in the midst of a world that is full of hardship and scars.
Here are some of T.A.G.’s words from an interview with the South Bend Tribune:
I talk about the stuff that gets swept under the rug or is hush-hush. This stuff affects everybody, or it affects a large population of people, and I like to push the envelope and see if we can’t talk about this in a healthy way.
Scars Rise, the brand new album, begins with a song about scars and how we don’t have to settle with being defined by our scars no matter how bad they are. I could write a separate article about every song he has on his album, but then I’d be doing you a disservice because you just need to get it for yourself.
Whether you like hip hop or not, you should get his album for a friend or family member who does. You’ll be supporting a family man who is super talented!
The authenticity in this album is off the charts. In a society that so desperately needs and craves people to be authentic, T.A.G. is taking authenticity to a whole new level. From sharing about his past in the first song, to doing it yet again and again throughout the rest of the album, he is going to strike a chord with you and everyone else who listens to this album.
There are people you know who need to hear the message of this album. You need to hear the message of this album.
So, grab your copy and share this with your friends and families. There are people you know who have deep rooted scars and the message in this album will help them begin to heal from those scars. God will absolutely use this to help people.
Help his album go viral. Let’s get the word out!
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Music Video From His Last Album
[youtube id=”PjjlkqF3tN0″]