Recently I started reading the Bible in a whole new way. It has made my experience reading the Bible fresh and new. It’s not the only way to read the Bible, and you may find that you don’t like it at all, but give it a shot.
I believe you’ll find that this Bible reading hack will make your experience reading the Bible be an epic experience! Now, let’s get into it.
A Hack That Makes Bible Reading an Epic Experience
What You’ll Need:
Two options: (1) a computer, or (2) a smart phone and a tablet.
Two Websites or Two Apps:
Two websites (if you’re using your computer): and
Two apps (if you’re using a phone and tablet): Pandora opened on one device and YouVersion opened on the other.
Here’s the Hack:
On Pandora, you’ll want to find the station that is called, “Electronic for Studying.” This is the music you’ll have on while you’re reading the Bible.
On YouVersion or, you’ll want to go to your translation of choice (I’ve been using the ESV), and you’ll want to start the audio Bible. I recommend you work through a single book as you get going.
It doesn’t stop here, though. So far, you’re listening to some great instrumental music, and Scripture being read (you’ll want to make sure the volumes are adjusted so you can hear the Bible being read above the music).
As you listen to the Bible being read AND read it along with the audio track, you’ll want to identify verses that stick out to you.
Once the chapter is finished being read, go back and click on the verse(s) that stuck out to you and write some notes about it/them (there is a notes option within the site/app). You can write how that verse makes you think about another verse, how it is something you struggle with, or whatever comes to mind.
Mix it Up Every Now and Then
By no means does this need to be the only way you read the Bible, but it can be one way you do. There’s something about music behind God’s word being read that so easily moves me. I’m sure you will find that the same is true for you.
How do you read the Bible? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter or Facebook.
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