Do you deeply desire to know God’s purpose for your life? Do you find yourself wondering “is this all there is to Christianity?” If so, I’ve got just the thing for you.
I’m excited to announce that Crucified to Life is finally available! I put a ton of hard work into making this the best book I possibly could that would help you discover and live into abundant life in Christ.
You can pick up the paperback or Kindle version, just go here.
My prayer is that this book will be a game changer in your walk with God. It was for me and that’s why I wrote it.
In Crucified to Life, you’ll discover that:
God’s work in you did not stop at saving you from hell. He is at work in you today. He has given you a new reality that is better than you could ever imagine. In fact, Jesus describes the life you are to live with one word: abundant.
In Crucified to Life, you’ll discover the true paradoxical nature of following Jesus. You’ll be encouraged as you are given the tools you need to blast past the barriers that hold you back from living in God’s grace. You’ll be challenged to get out of your comfort zone and to relinquish control of your life as you walk in the way of the crucified.
“A Christian without a cross is not a Christian at all.” Are you ready to lose your life in order to find it?
Who Should Read Crucified to Life?
To be blunt:
New Christians and those who are unsure about Christianity will find this book to be a resource that will help them build a foundation of what the Christian life is all about. If you are unsure about Christianity, I highly recommend that you ask a Christian friend or a local pastor to read this book with you and to discuss the content together.
Christians who struggle to read the Bible consistently will find this book to be a doorway to the joy of knowing what God has done and is doing in their lives.
Christians who are well read and who read the Bible consistently will find this book to become deeper as each chapter builds on each other.
If you want to grow in your faith and knowledge of God’s work in the world, in you, and through you, this book is for you.
It’s Available in Whatever Format You Prefer
Grab your copy in whatever form you prefer!
Have Any Questions?
Let me know, I’d love to try and answer them. Feel free to leave a comment below.