Jesus said that the devil came to steal, kill, and destroy, but that He came to give us life abundantly (John 10:10). But I wonder how many Christians really think they are living a life that is anything close to abundant. And this is why I wrote my upcoming book, Crucified to Life: What Abundant Life in Christ Really Looks Like.
In it, I lay out, not a deeper Christianity, but the Christianity that we all should know. But unfortunately, many of us have settled for something different. We have misunderstood grace, we have misunderstood the good news. We have let the Gospel stop at God saving us from Hell. And, yet, it is much more than that. The work that God has done and is doing is more than that and it is my hope and prayer that through this book, more people will discover what abundant life in Christ looks like.
Join My Advance Reader Community
But I need the help of people like you to get the word out on this book. I don’t have a million people just waiting to read this book, but together we can get this book in a lot of people’s hands.
Crucified to Life is my first book on the Christian life for a reason – it lays the groundwork for everything else I will write in my life.
What is an Advance Reader Community?
I love to write and plan on writing as many books as the Lord will allow me to do. As a member of the advance reader community, you’ll get to read all my future books for free and then you’ll get to help me spread the word once they are released.
Community Member Requirements
(1) Write a brief, honest book review on Amazon
(2) Help spread the word about the book in any way you can during launch week and beyond
(3) Share ideas and brainstorm additional ways we might further expose the message to an even greater audience. All ideas are welcome.
What Community Members Get
(1) A FREE – EARLY EDITION – COPY of all my future books in eBook version – PDF & Kindle
(2) A first look at additional bonus resources I create to promote the book launch
(3) Exclusive access to a private Facebook group where we’ll share promotion ideas
(4) The opportunity to interact with other community members and see the behind-the-scenes of book writing, publishing, and marketing
(5) A special mention on my blog with a link to your website (when applicable, of course).
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