“Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.” – Genesis 2:7
Things were good but incomplete. The groundwork was laid for the climax of the scene. God had been busy speaking, painting, writing, creating. With every breath, life sprang forth from His mouth. In an instant, nothingness became something-ness.
What would He do next? He desired to create something in His own image. How much in His image? That’s a question that isn’t answered. But holy is He and unholy this created being would become – but not yet.
He turned to the dirt of the ground. He took it, shaped it, molded it, and transformed it. God, the Creator of the Universe, playing in the mud. But with purpose. With creativity. With a goal. Namely, humanity. See the dirt. See yourself.
But He wasn’t done. One more thing. Breathe.
The Source of life gave life to humanity with a breath. With a word. With that, He gave a gift. One that is full of adventure, full of ups, downs, and spinning arounds. Breathe the air. Breathe your life.
Every second or two, the dirt formed creature opens its airways, seeking and pleading for life. This seeking and pleading is baked into them, they don’t have to think about it. They are wired to depend on the Source. They are created with a need – one that is only satisfied by the One who created them.
Today, the dirt formed creature boasts of his independence. He brags at his abilities – as if he were the one who created them. But when the delusion is stripped away, we see him for who he really is – dirt-formed and pleading for life. Today, he must realize that this is the case. For, continuing in his delusion will cause him to try to stand upon the throne of his little kingdom, all the while choking himself of true life – life from the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Alpha and the Omega, the God who decided to play in the mud and create him.
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